At Jason Marine, we believe that good governance is the key to a sustainable business. Our policies - underpinned by our values: “Character, Competence, Commitment” - provide the framework for managing economic, environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues.
Managing environmental and social issues is part of our business model. Providing products and services that meet the requirements of customers and regulatory bodies requires stringent adherence to environmental and safety standards. Attention to social issues such as good labour practices and employee development helps to ensure excellent delivery of our products and solutions. We value relationships with our clients and the wider community, and the strong ties forged helps us tide over difficult times. We believe that in the long term, these efforts will be reflected in our economic performance.
Mr Foo Chew Tuck, our Executive Chairman, has been instrumental in leading Jason Marine in our sustainability journey. He works closely with the heads of business units including finance, human resources, health and safety, and procurement, who together make up the working team managing sustainability on a day-to-day basis.
Contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals
Jason Marine supports the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (“SDGs”). We have mapped the SDGs to our material issues and identified eight SDGs that we can meaningfully contribute to:
Jason Marine’s Material Issues in its Value Chain
Our Material Issues For Sustainability
Business Ethics, Compliance and Anti-corruption
A responsible business upholds ethics, compliance and anti-corruption throughout the entire value chain.
Carbon and Waste Disposal Management
Responsible business is also about being ethical in the way we treat the environment. We aim to incorporate environmental conservation measures at all stages of our production and operations right from the design stage, improve energy efficiency of our products, and minimise waste. We also recycle and reuse equipment that can still be used, where feasible, and do not currently use any hazardous chemical or materials in our operations.
Occupational Health & Safety
The health and safety of our workers is most pertinent at the sales and servicing stage.
People Development, Labour Relations and Standards
Our workers at every stage of our value chain should be given development opportunities and labour rights. We abide by labour regulations such as those prescribed by Ministry of Manpower.
Product Responsibility
Product responsibility applies throughout the value chain. Procured equipment and used products should not be produced or disposed of at the expense of the natural environment or the society. At the sales and servicing stage, we ensure that key product responsibility issues such as radiation are addressed.
Sustainable Procurement
We indirectly impact our suppliers and their communities through our procurement practices.
Community Engagement
We directly impact the maritime community whom we provide products and services for. We also indirectly impact the societies where we implement community engagements, and the areas where our products are disposed.
Diversity and Inclusion
A diverse and inclusive working environment at every stage of the value chain is important for employee satisfaction and productivity. We are a signatory of the Tripartite Alliance for Fair and Progressive Employment Practices.
Sustainability Governance
Managing environmental and social issues is part of our business model. Providing products and services that meet the requirements of customers and regulatory bodies requires stringent adherence to environmental and safety standards. Attention to social issues such as good labour practices and employee development helps to ensure excellent delivery of our products and solutions. We value relationships with our clients and the wider community, and the strong ties forged help us tide over difficult times. We believe that in the long term, these efforts will be reflected in our economic performance.
Responsible Business & Operational Risk Management
To achieve our vision of being a world class company, having strong business ethics is of vital importance. We value integrity and honesty in our “Character”, one of our core values, and believe that this is the right way to conduct a business. This value is continuously instilled in our employees and is part of the working culture at Jason Marine.
We recognise the importance of risk management as a core part of responsible business management. Our Business Continuity Management (BCM) Committee oversees the management of operational risks and mitigating actions to reduce the risk of business disruptions. Our BCM Policy is part of the Management’s review to ensure continuing suitability or when significant changes occur. We have also implemented management systems including the ISO 9001:2015 (since 2009) for Quality Management and OHSAS 18001:2007 Occupational Health and Safety Management System (since 2014). Our internal audit policies and procedures provide checks and balances for our processes.
Business Ethics, Anti-corruption & Compliance
We take a strong stand against corruptive practices and this value has been communicated during meetings to all our employees, major suppliers and business partners. Any form of corruption is escalated to the Chairman. During our employment process, we look out for possible conflicts of interest. Our code of conduct details Jason Marine’s expectations on employee’s conduct, the consequences of violation of conduct, and grievance procedures. It is made available on our intranet for all our Singapore-based staff. Business ethics is regularly communicated to the regional heads of the different business units regularly.
Compliance with rules and regulations is also a key part of being a responsible business. We keep ourselves up to date with international and local laws. For example, different ports in different countries have varying levels of security and laws regarding cargo, and controlled equipment to embargoed destinations can be a challenge. We take extra care to comply with such regulations, in addition to those on the environment, anti-competitive behavior, and health and safety. Operating in the information communications and technology business means that data privacy and cyber-security are important aspects of business ethics and compliance. Jason Marine safeguards against these risks by implementing policies such as the Personal Data Protection Act Policy, which apply to both internal and external stakeholders. The policy applies to our employment and tender process, for example, where data privacy of applicants is respected. Access to personal data is restricted to authorized persons such as manager or Senior Management on a needs basis.
Continuous Engagement with Our Stakeholders
We regularly engage our stakeholders through a variety of channels to better understand their needs to build positive and lasting relationships. They are crucial in our efforts to advance our sustainability progress and would be impacted by our business operations. Through our regular engagement initiatives, these provide a platform for dialogue and allow stakeholders to raise concerns. The following table outlines our methods of engaging with stakeholders and their respective concerns.